Donations Help Us with Our Work

“History is all around us, not just in museums, and commemorating sites will demonstrate in a tangible way the value we place on preserving our heritage for future generations. We also anticipate that our initiatives will provide significant benefit to the area in terms of increased tourism. Thousands of visitors from throughout North America and Iceland come to Manitoba every year, eager to visit the places where the saga of New Iceland unfolded, where family members or relatives settled and in many cases where they are buried.”

"Many Hands Make Light Work"


Donations start at $20 CAD. We accept donations worldwide but we can only issue tax receipts for Canadian donations, $20 CAD and up.

Fill out the form below and submit it. Then pay by cheque or eTransfer. Tax receipts can only be issued to Canadian addresses. 

Send your cheque to Icelandic River Heritage Sites, Inc., Box 555, Riverton, Manitoba, R0C 2R0 Canada.

NOTE: eTransfer will only work in Canada. In the US and elsewhere, please send a cheque.

To pay by eTransfer, Icelandic River Heritage Sites, Inc, to


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To all our donors - Thank you!